Trint Mobile Live
Trint want to re-create the mobile app, We proposed two parallel tracks, one for releasing the app to more and more users, and the other for ‘launching’ the app with more marketing activity. These activities do not need to be coupled.

User needs:
At this stage, it’s unknown. We need to align business goals with user needs.
Previous App:
- We don’t have a coherent vision for what the app should be
- Quality of the app for what it is could be higher
Aim is to have a high quality version of what the app should be.
This quarter is about making sure we know what the app should be, and to take steps to start get us there.
The average App Units per month for 2020/2021 is 614. Without having tried to move this number before, it is difficult to set a threshold for success, but given the lack of emphasis placed on this in the past, it feels reasonable to aim for a 50% increase, setting the goal at 900 per month, with a stretch of 1,000.
Goal: Define the need of mobile live for users, enterprise and self serve customers.
The background?
We wanted to expedite users workflows from the initial stages of recording live to receiving their transcription.
Our enterprise users are the likes of AP, New York Times, Google, Airbnb & Nike, all with unique use cases, I.e AP need live transcription at the European parliament.
Optimising our user experience backed by data of app usage, users were Recording, uploading and browsing their files mostly on the app.

- Goal: 1,200 customers per week using our mobile apps (old and new combined)
- Baseline (from old app): 400 per week

IBC 9th-12th Sept Amsterdam: Trint leap back into attending and hosting a booth at the International Broadcasting Conference in Amsterdam this past weekend after 3 years. IBC had 37,071 attendees from over 170 countries with 1000+ exhibitors showcasing innovation and cutting-edge technology in the content space.

Created a design system to keep things looking sharp and consistent, but also to stop the engineers from staging a mutiny against me!